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SDN Makes Your Phone Calls Uninterruptible
A networking technology that seamlessly hands off bandwidth connections automatically.

By: John Shepler

It would be nice if WAN network connections were uninterruptible. Of course, they aren’t. Even the best copper, fiber or wireless Internet or point to point dedicated lines goes down eventually. With it goes your phone calls and other work in progress. You lose productivity and perhaps even sales. But, what if you had a magic box that made sure your connections never experienced more than a glitch for a fraction of a second no matter what the problem? 

The magic box has a name. It is called SD-WAN or Software Defined Wide Area Networking. The box itself controls multiple redundant broadband links and has the intelligence to analyze the quality of each link and assign or remove traffic instantly. 

Think this fiction? Have a look at a real time demonstration from Telarus, a leader in deploying this networking technology:

Did you notice that each link was different? Once was cable broadband, one was high speed fiber, and one was LTE wireless. An SD-WAN system will work with whatever links you have available, ranging from DSL to T1, DS3, Satellite, line of sight wireless and so on. 

There’s an advantage in not having all your links the exact same type. All it takes is one backhoe to chop through a copper or fiber bundle and you can be out of business for hours, days or even weeks before they can patch it all back together. 

If your business needs both speed and reliability in its digital connections to maximize productivity and profit, you should take a closer look at what SD-WAN from Telarus can do for you at a very reasonable cost. Find out what SD-WAN systems and connections are available for your business location now. 

Cloud Brokerage Service
We specialize in comprehensive cloud services for business, including managed services, SD-WAN, unified communications, network monitoring, business continuity & disaster recovery, cloud & colocated servers, plus a wide selection of bandwidth options including DOCSIS Business Cable Broadband, High Speed Satellite, Ethernet over Copper and Fiber optic services. Dozens of top-tier providers are available to meet your specific technical requirements and budget. Find out what cloud & network services and pricing are available now for your commercial (not residential) location. Simply use this handy form...


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Our extensive cloud and telecom line services are provided by Telarus, Inc., a premier cloud broker and master agency. Please provide accurate phone & email contact information or call toll free for support anytime at 1-888-848-8749. All information you provide will be used only to support your inquiry and will not be shared.

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